英米リーダーの英語 試読

英米リーダーの英語 試読 page 12/22


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32Track06undertaking: 仕事、約束preliminary stage: 初期段階make allowance for... : …を大目にみる、酌量するceremony: 儀式。ここでは、「必要な手続き」の意toil: 労苦、苦しい仕事ordeal: 試練grievous: 重....

32Track06undertaking: 仕事、約束preliminary stage: 初期段階make allowance for... : …を大目にみる、酌量するceremony: 儀式。ここでは、「必要な手続き」の意toil: 労苦、苦しい仕事ordeal: 試練grievous: 重大な、危機的な血、労苦、涙、そして汗以外に提供するものはないSection 3Sir Winston Churchill:To form an Administration of this scale andcomplexity is a serious undertaking in itself,but ? it must be remembered that we are in thepreliminary stage of one of the greatest battlesin history, that we are in action at many pointsin Norway and in Holland, that we have tobe prepared in the Mediterranean, that the airbattle is continuous and that many preparationshave to be made here at home.In this crisis I hope I may be pardoned if I donot address the House at any length today. Ihope that any of my friends and colleagues,or former colleagues, who are affected bythe political reconstruction, will make allallowances, for any lack of ceremony withwhich it has been necessary to act.I would say to the House, as I said to those whohave joined the government: ? “I have nothingto offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.” Wehave before us an ordeal of the most grievouskind. We have before us many, many longmonths of struggle and of suffering.