英米リーダーの英語 試読

英米リーダーの英語 試読 page 20/22


このページは 英米リーダーの英語 試読 の電子ブックに掲載されている20ページの概要です。

126Track36senior: 幹部gender-specific: ジェンダー固有の問題をオープンに話すことで正しい理解は得られるSection 3Sheryl Sandberg:If it’s a senior team, they get to the one or twowomen and they....

126Track36senior: 幹部gender-specific: ジェンダー固有の問題をオープンに話すことで正しい理解は得られるSection 3Sheryl Sandberg:If it’s a senior team, they get to the one or twowomen and they say the same thing: “She’sreally good at her job, she’s just not as welllikedby her peers.” Or, “I think she’s doing agood job but she’s a little aggressive.” ? Andthey say that with no understanding that thisis the penalty women face, based on genderspecificstereotypes.And so what I think is that if ? we actuallyneed to talk about that at the company-level,’cause I’ve seen in my own experience onplaces I’ve been, boards I sit on, the companiesI work in, I talk about that ? really openly, andthe next time there’s a performance review theconversation changes, because they might stillsay, “Oh, she’s not as liked,” ? but they thenhave an appreciation for why that’s happening.performance review: 勤務評価appreciation: 正しい理解peer: 同僚