多聴多読マガジンVol.46 2014年10月号 試読.acbp

多聴多読マガジンVol.46 2014年10月号 試読.acbp page 44/48


このページは 多聴多読マガジンVol.46 2014年10月号 試読.acbp の電子ブックに掲載されている44ページの概要です。

132 2014 OCTOBERQ: How did you approach your character? Did you do a lot of research aboutGrace, or did you stick to the script and work on the script?NICOLE KIDMAN(NK): Uh, I mean / I’ve played, / u....

132 2014 OCTOBERQ: How did you approach your character? Did you do a lot of research aboutGrace, or did you stick to the script and work on the script?NICOLE KIDMAN(NK): Uh, I mean / I’ve played, / uh, people thathave existed before in history, and so / I- I’ve had ? different approaches to? different things. For this particular, / uh, role, / there’s a lot of footage,obviously, / on- / um, that’s available to watch. / Um, / there’s also- / I canhear her voice, I can read a lot of things, / so I was able to slowly- we had- /I think Olivier* cast me and I had about / five- five months to prepare, / um,so I was able to very gently just kind of / enter into her skin by watching,listening, absorbing. / But at the same time, / when we talked about it, it wasvery ? important that it wasn’t sort of- a- / that I- I didn’t feel trapped byhaving to mimic her. / And so / it was more of trying to find her essence / and,um, / I really- / it was ? beautiful. It was a ? beautiful experience, to exist- /to live her life for, / um, six months, which is what- what- what it was. /Unit 4 スター・インタビューなま素材Interview: Jordan Riefe /解説・中西のりこ(神戸学院大学経営学部准教授)c2014 STONE ANGELS SASTrack 49読みやすさレベル5.0-5.5 リスニングレベル6.5 164 wpm 167語生涯一の難役に挑んだプリンセス『グレース・オブ・モナコ 公妃の切り札』ニコール・キッドマン インタビューSection 1 真似しすぎてはいけない役づくり【耳のつけどころ】少し長め(3 音節) の語がどう発音されているかに注目してみましょう。