多聴多読マガジン 2013年12月号 vol41試し読み

多聴多読マガジン 2013年12月号 vol41試し読み page 46/52


このページは 多聴多読マガジン 2013年12月号 vol41試し読み の電子ブックに掲載されている46ページの概要です。

Q: Ashton, how did you learn Steve Jobs’ walk and did you walk around without shoes?Ashton Kutcher (AK): I started by learning everything I could about him, uh, / by reading books and- / and / watchi....

Q: Ashton, how did you learn Steve Jobs’ walk and did you walk around without shoes?Ashton Kutcher (AK): I started by learning everything I could about him, uh, / by reading books and- / and / watching video and / listening to people tell tales and stories, and… / and the script, that was an extraordinary resource. / Um, / and then- and then I started consuming the- the things that he consumed: / um, I started studying the entrepreneurs that he admired, / and listening to the music he listened to, and eating the food he ate, / and, / you know, walking the way he walked. I- uh, he went for / hikes with his employee- he would go for a walk when he wanted to have a meeting with someone. / And so I just started doing that, / and started walking without shoes on, and wearing Birkenstocks, and going for one hour walks every day, and / trying to walk like he walked, and, / you know, first it was five minutes, then it was ten minutes, and then, you know, you practice something, you get better at it. /144 2013 DECEMBERUnit 4 スター・インタビュースティーブ・ジョブズを甦らせた!アシュトン・カッチャー インタビューSection 1 ジョブズになりきるために【耳のつけどころ】役作りのためにしたことがすべて…ingの形で語られており、聞き手に内容が伝わりやすいリズムが生まれています。なま素材Track 32184 wpm174語読みやすさレベル4.0-4.5リスニングレベル6.2Interview: Jordan Riefe/解説・中西のりこ(神戸学院大学経営学部准教授)c 2013 The Jobs Film,LLC.