TOEICテストリスニング 正解がわかるキーワード

TOEICテストリスニング 正解がわかるキーワード page 22/34


このページは TOEICテストリスニング 正解がわかるキーワード の電子ブックに掲載されている22ページの概要です。

120346347エクササイズ ①▼学習の成果のチェックを兼ねて、ここまで聞いてきた題材の中からピックアップした英文のディクテーションと、新たな模擬問題演習に挑戦してみましょう。音声を聞いて、下記のトランスクリ....

120346347エクササイズ ①▼学習の成果のチェックを兼ねて、ここまで聞いてきた題材の中からピックアップした英文のディクテーションと、新たな模擬問題演習に挑戦してみましょう。音声を聞いて、下記のトランスクリプションの空所を埋めてみましょう。1.M: Did you reserve the main _______________ ________ for the afternoon ofthe last day of ____________? The president wants to speak to the wholegroup once more.W: I tried to, but the room assignment sheet says the _____ has booked it inthe afternoon on Friday for a meeting of the ________ ___ ______________.That has priority, obviously.M: Why don’t we just reserve it for the morning, then? The presidentcan give the ___________ _________ then. Then we can ________ _________________ ___ and use separate rooms in the afternoon. The____________ are expected to ___________ presentations, remember. It willgo faster if we have them do that in smaller groups.2.M: ________ ______________. This is Paul Clemens speaking. May I help you?W: Good afternoon, Mr. Clemens. My name is Cynthia Denati, and I’mcalling to _________ ___ ___ an _______________ I sent to your office bye-mail last week. I was responding to an announcement on your Website regarding an office assistant position. I attached my _________ to the_______________. Have you had a look at it by any chance?M: Ah, Ms. Denati, I’m glad you called. Yes, I looked at your _________, andyour _______________ seems quite suited to the position. I was planningto schedule an interview with you. Is there a time you could drop bynext week? We want to fill the position quickly, so it would be good if wecould meet you on Monday or Tuesday.