多聴多読マガジン2014年02月号 試読

多聴多読マガジン2014年02月号 試読 page 25/44


このページは 多聴多読マガジン2014年02月号 試読 の電子ブックに掲載されている25ページの概要です。

2014 FEBRUARY 55Saved!: Heroes in Everyday LifeVideo QuestSuperheroWatch the video about anew superhero. What cana gecko do?In the....

2014 FEBRUARY 55Saved!: Heroes in Everyday LifeVideo QuestSuperheroWatch the video about anew superhero. What cana gecko do?In the Supermanstories, Brainiac is asupervillain. He can y like Superman, andhe can move3 things bythinking about them.Many people like toread about superheroesor watch movies aboutthem. It is fun forpeople to think aboutsuper powers. Theythink, “What superpower would I liketo have?”Of course, there aren’t any superheroes in the world,and normal people do not have super powers. But whoknows? Maybe one day…3 move: take something from one place and put it in anotherVillainSuperheroSuperheroes fi ght villains.9Track 05