ストーリー原案大賞 大募集!

Click here for application details in English.

コスモピア株式会社は、2022 年 11 月に会社設立20周年を迎えます。



応募詳細はこちら(pdf, JP)

Story Idea Contest For English & Japanese Readers

Enter to Win!

Cosmopier Publishing will mark its 20th anniversary by creating more digital content for both English and Japanese readers! A Story Idea Contest will be held so that you can help us make the most interesting fictional stories possible!

Send in your story ideas!  Don’t worry about the reading level. We will adapt submitted material accordingly.

detailed information for application (pdf, EN)

Entry requirements

(Even if your idea is for English readers, you may submit it in Japanese. A Japanese example of (C) is on pg. 104 and an English example of (A) is on the following page.)

Details you must include

Entry deadline


*Published stories will be owned by Cosmopier